StarDate: August 18, 2021 Captain’s Log
The Global Life Sciences Alliance in partnership with FOCM Networking held its fourth monthly online clinical research industry networking event from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
I began the event by sharing an important life event that happened since the last meeting. Below is the picture I shared of me walking my daughter Amy down the aisle to get married to Jamison.
We had the largest group to-date. This allowed us to have 4 separate break-out networking sessions in order for everyone to meet each other.
The format is to treat it like a reception at a conference: drop in when you can and leave when you need to.
The agenda is everyone is in one room for quick catch up and/or we’ll discuss industry news or we may have everyone introduce their pets or feature a company/product/service and then we are randomly put into virtual rooms of 3-4 people for 12 minutes for introductions to each other and looking for ways in which we can be of help to the others.
The next event will be held on Wednesday September 15th, at 7PM EST.
Here are the list of Attendees and their companies:
Patrick McCarthy; ValidCare
Chris Bergey: Humphries Insurance Agency
Sara Tylosky; Farmacon
Andy Mulchinski, Symbio Research
Brian Horan, SupplyRx
Dave Gibboni, DJGibboni Consulting
Lynne Becker, Power of Patients
Mike O’Gorman, Life Science Marketplace
Michael Young, biomedworx
Nadia M. Bracken; Medidata
Jeanne Schow; Apcer Life Sciences
Paul Washart, RRD International
Jessica Gostenik, Life Science Marketplace
Wessam Sonbol, DelveHealth
Pat Monick; GLSA
Holly Clliffe, GLSA
Edward Thjang; GLSA
Lakshmi Nandan; GLSA
Denise McNerney, GLSA
Joe Buser, GLSA
Carlos Toranzo, GLSA
Zulma Varela; GLSA
Brandon Huffman, GLSA
Terrific follow-up message. Thanks for including me and my biomedwoRx: Life Sciences Consulting post.
Looking forward to the Sept meeting and all the great follow-ups which happen after each gathering. It takes a village as they say. I just hope I’m not the Village Idiot…